Employee Burnout and How to Prevent It

burnout young employee lying with her head on her desk

When discussing employee burnout, it’s crucial to also consider how your work makes you feel: Energized? Exhausted? A little bit of both? 

We’ve been talking a lot about the power of effective recognition on the blog, and we’re interested in the concept that recognition brings the “human" element back to work by setting the tone for the entire employee experience. When organizations get recognition right, employees are more committed, engaged, and connected to their workplace culture, maintain stronger working relationships, and feel a sense of belonging at their organization. 

Just how real is employee burnout?

It’s no question whether recognition in the workplace can positively impact employee productivity and retention, but still, many organizations are not fully investing in this important aspect of psychological support. In fact, 65% of American employees have claimed they weren't even recognized once last year. This same study shows that 79% of employees who quit their jobs claim that a lack of appreciation was a significant reason.

Research shows us that employees who are emotionally fulfilled through appreciation and acknowledgment are more likely to stay with their organization. As a result of frequent and effective recognition, employees are bound to experience a sense of loyalty and even act as brand ambassadors by sharing their positive experiences with others, ultimately building their company’s reputation and extending its reach. Better yet, recognition has been shown to prevent employee burnout and support overall mental and emotional wellbeing. 

In a study of  7,050 employees, burnout and appreciation were found to be closely linked– particularly in a staggering 54% of unappreciated employees who felt the amount of stress they deal with at work is more than they can handle. When left unmanaged, these consistent levels of high stress can lead to organizational burnout, or the physical and psychological consequences of job demands exceeding human limits. Oftentimes, the onset of employee burnout is subtle, and most aren’t equipped to notice nor navigate the symptoms before they become severe. In all, burnout has the potential to impact our productivity, relationships, and psyches as a whole, but effective recognition can thwart all of these issues before they ever arise. 

How organizations can combat the employee burnout

For organizations looking to leverage the power of effective recognition among their teams, renowned psychologist and leadership trainer Dr. Paul White recommends tackling smaller organizational units before attempting to implement a recognition strategy from the top-down. This way, a handful of workplace leaders have the ability to actualize recognition as a part of company culture within their own teams, combating burnout in the process. 

From here, Dr. White advises that managers use what they learned in these contexts to refine the process and means of offering recognition. Over time, recognition as a part of company culture will evolve organically, becoming second nature to workplace leaders across the organization. 

Many workplace leaders may not consider recognition to be an important part of their retention strategy, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Offering frequent and equitable recognition creates major progress in celebrating employees’ strengths on a consistent basis.

As a result, employees are less likely to experience organizational burnout, and therefore, leave the company. 

Leadology programs like Activate work to empower managers to notice and verbalize employee strengths using effective communication skills. We work closely with workplace leaders to also refine their emotional intelligence skills, which are integral to uplifting teams in impactful ways. When paired with strengths-based development, managers are able to voice recognition in more effective and resonant ways, ultimately making employees feel more seen, heard, and valued. 

Ready to transform your company’s retention strategy? Get in touch with Leadology today and schedule a free call to assess you and your team’s unique needs. Recognition is a major part of Leadology’s signature program Activate: The Influential Communication Program for Managers


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