Leadology’s Forbes features that will help you improve manager effectiveness at your company

I'm thrilled to share with you that I've been accepted into the Forbes Coaches Council with not one, but two Forbes features related to manager effectiveness! This is an incredible honor for me and my team, and we can't wait to share the benefits with you.


Over the past decade, we've helped countless clients to reduce suffering at work and increase job satisfaction. Through our Leadology newsletter and blog, we've shared the insights and tools that can make a real difference in your professional and personal life. Now, we’re sharing our best advice as recently picked up by Forbes!

Becoming a more effective leader in the workplace through conversation hacks

Our first expert article published on Forbes.com is: Be A More Effective Leader With The 2+2 Conversation Method

This article is for you if you're a manager who has ever been tempted to cancel your weekly 1-on-1. Inside this feature, I explain why, NO matter your reasoning, you shouldn't cancel that catch-up. Also known as the “2+2 Framework” to Leadology insiders, this conversation method has employees come prepared to the conversation with two things that are going well, and two things that need improvement. 

Whether you’ve been around here for a while or are new to Leadology, one thing you’ll hear from us on repeat about is how crucial having regular touch bases with your team is, and just how impactful it can be on overall employee engagement. 

Click here to try the “2+2 framework” out for yourself: The Simple Hack to Move Your Managers from Hectic to High-Performing

Small changes in conversations go a long way to improving the effectiveness of managers

Our next expert article published on Forbes.com is: How Small Shifts Can Improve Manager Effectiveness

This article was all about minimizing mental load to, in turn, increase manager effectiveness. We know, a timely topic—because while we love the flexibility and accessibility of hybrid work—it has undoubtedly heightened expectations for workplace leaders. After all, managers are doing more than just supervising employees… they’re also orchestrating the productivity and engagement of distributed teams. Now balancing these priorities in a hybrid context, managers are spread thin, especially while having to deliver results following mass layoffs across countless industries. 

5 Performance Boosting Strategies for Improving Manager Effectiveness in Today’s Workplace

Unlock the secrets to boosting manager performance with "5 Ways of Giving Your Managers the Performance Boost They Need." 

Delve into insights on effective communication, addressing challenges of hybrid work on career development, and creating cultures of empathy and accountability. Drawing on 15 years of experience as a leadership development coach investing in managers' professional growth, this article reviews the essential skills required to navigate the evolving workplace and improve manager effectiveness.


Moving forward, I'm excited to continue to share more stories on why human-centered leadership is more important than ever in today's world. But to do so, I need your help! 

Write us (via LinkedIn, Instagram, or contact us here) and let me know: 

What's one leadership challenge you faced in the past week? Maybe you had to navigate a difficult conversation with a team member, balance competing priorities, or motivate your team during a particularly stressful period. 

This is completely anonymous and we’ll use these answers to write practical features tailored to your needs. 


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