How to Create Learning and Development Opportunities through a Spring Clean of Your Career

As we move further into the year (how is it the end of May already?!), it's important to take a step back and evaluate how we're leveraging learning and development in our careers. Are we growing? Are we learning? Are we leveraging our strengths?


Today I wanted to share a checklist of five key things to consider as you’re taking inventory of your learning and development opportunities this spring. These tips focus on a whole-person development approach, helping you assess not only your job performance but also your overall well-being.

Suggested reading: 3 Signs You’re Burned Out at Work

Whether you're a new manager trying to find your footing or a seasoned leader looking to continue growing and developing, this checklist has something for everyone. So, grab a pen and paper and get ready to do some reflecting!

  • Are you staying in a mindset of learning?
    It's important to have a growth mindset, and to regularly evaluate your lessons learned, challenges faced, and mistakes made. Reflect on the feedback you've received so far this year and identify areas for improvement. Consider what development you might need to respond to the feedback you've received and continue growing in your career.

  • How can you step into your strengths zone?
    What projects have come easily to you, what have you enjoyed, and where have you excelled so far this year? This is a great moment to pause and think about how you can lean into your strengths and seek out new opportunities to develop them further. Moving forward, how can you focus on spending more of your time on tasks that energize you and where you are considered a go-to person?

  • What can you take off your plate?
    Identify tasks or responsibilities that are draining your energy, and delegate them if possible. And we don’t mean to simply “dump” them on someone else. There might be someone on the team who is motivated and skilled at that task or someone who can benefit from learning.  If you have to complete the task yourself, consider creating a reward system when you complete it. For example, this year when I completed my taxes I decided that was the only hard thing I was doing that day and treated myself to an afternoon off to meet a friend for lunch.  Until next year, IRS! It was a great motivator to get the task done and helped me relax and recharge afterwards.

  • Are you dealing with any outdated expectations/irrelevant expectations?
    Are there goals that were set at the beginning of the year that no longer serve you or your organization? It’s essential to pause and re-evaluate what you’re working towards and why. This is particularly true in situations where there has been a turnover in leadership. Maybe your old boss liked things done one way… but your new one doesn’t think it’s relevant. Remember, your voice and insights matter, and your suggestions could lead to positive changes.

  • How can you get deliberate about your development?
    Identify areas where you're interested or curious but may be lacking skills or experience. Create a development plan that includes opportunities for training, mentorship, and exposure to new experiences. For example, if you’ve been working on a project team and have been making great contributions, perhaps you want to map out a plan that would allow you to move to project manager. Ask yourself: how can I uplevel? 

Remember, taking care of your whole self, including your career, is important for overall well-being. By taking the time to assess where you're at and where you want to go, you can set yourself up for success not only this spring - but the long term. You can create learning and development opportunities for your career yourself, contact us to learn how.

Happy spring everyone!

Carrie & Team Leadology 


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