How to Maximize the Last Four Months of the Year as a Manager

Level with us: does it feel like you blinked and it’s already September? As we begin considering Q4 and the rapid approach of the holiday season, Leadology is here with a few tips on how workplace leaders can use the remaining months to their advantage.

Though some of us are incredibly eager to get back into our routines this fall, this time of year can also instill a bit of panic and anxiety for those who may have started the year off with a lengthy list of goals that haven’t been checked off yet. No matter how you feel about 2023 coming to a close in the next four months, we’re here to remind you that it doesn’t have to be the start of the year to start fresh.

If anything, taking time to reflect at different intervals throughout the year enables us to take stock of progress, redirect our efforts, and recommit to adjusted goals. Research even shows that due to a phenomenon dubbed the "fresh start effect," landmarks such as the start of a new year, month, week, or season allow us to distinguish the passage of time and forge new aspirations for the period ahead with even more momentum.


At Leadology, we’re adopting this exact mindset for the remainder of 2023 and are so thrilled to be sharing our top three tips to help workplace leaders do the same: 

  • Soak up the rest of summer
    It’s easy to get swept up in August signifying the end of summer, but it’s never too late to get intentional about carving out time for your favorite warm-weather pastimes, as well as periods of rest and renewal. This time can also serve as a way to glean inspiration for what you want your personal and professional life to look like for the remainder of the year, helping you to identify what key areas you’d like to devote greater attention to in the coming months.

    Our recommendation? As leaders in learning and development, it’s no wonder that we’d turn to skill building and growth. And there’s no better way (in our humble opinion!) then through Activate.

  • Use previous wins to inform how you recalibrate your goals
    With the next four months ahead of you, it’s important to be truthful with where you are now and realistic in what you can achieve by the end of the year. That said, we feel most empowered when we’re first able to take stock of what we’ve already accomplished in the first two-thirds of the year, and reflect on what goals enabled growth and which can be redirected. Instead of harboring our shortcomings when it comes to goal recalibration, think about what you’ve been able to follow through on to give you the final push you need to crush those remaining goals in 2023.

    As you recalibrate, ensure that you are not signing yourself or your team up for burnout in the process! Read our blog Strategies to Avoid Burnout and Support Your Employees while you go through this process.

  • Rediscover the joy in learning something new
    Looking ahead to next year, do you think you currently possess the skills needed for the future of your role, or even a promotion? Better yet, what knowledge or know-how might add a little bit more ease and enjoyment to your work and overall life? What can you do in the next four months to position yourself for success?

Integrate learning, coaching, and strong habit-forming skills to achieve end of the year goals

Whatever your goals are, the stepping stones to accomplishing them ultimately lies in your habits. We get it––it almost never feels like the right time to start from square one when learning something new, but finding creative ways to integrate learning, coaching, and stretching activities into your day-to-day schedule can help you engage in formative development that gets you one step closer to achieving your goals.

But managers, especially new ones, should take note of these 3 pitfalls they should avoid in the workplace for a strong finish to 2023.


No matter where you are in your career, that “back-to-school” feeling never seems to go away––from the quiet moments of August that meld into the gradual ramping-up of September. Now’s as good a time as any to take stock of your professional goals and strengths for the “year” ahead, but there’s also so much value in considering what gaps still exist in your personal skill set, team, or organization as a whole.

Returning the first week of September, Leadology’s premier leadership program Activate helps managers identify areas for improvement and ultimately overcome the biggest struggles they face in their roles– all through coaching and practicing with real-life scenarios. Led by purposeful conversations and tried-and-true leadership tools, managers from a wide range of backgrounds are preparing to devote the next four months toward personal and professional development and achievement of this year’s most rewarding goals. 

Ready to finish 2023 out strong? Activate offers resources for reflection and realistic goal-setting to help you maximize the months ahead! Our last scheduled cohort of 2023 is almost underway. Learn more about how you can become a more effective manager today.

Carrie & Team Leadology


How to Create Better Boundaries Around the Holidays


3 Pitfalls You Should Avoid in the Workplace: Manager Edition