How to Be a Great Leader in 2024

With 2024 already in full swing, we are already dreaming about all the ways we can transform as leaders this year. 

At the start of each new year, the widely adopted "back to the grind" mindset can easily overwhelm us. Setting goals that propel our development is crucial, but fostering habits that empower both teams and leaders has been proven to be more sustainable in the long run.

We'd like to make a radical proposition:Skip the "New Year, New You" mindset and adopt a growth mindset.


Resolutions for your leadership journey this year

Today, we’re passing along three habits that you can implement to take the next step in your leadership journey in 2024. Let’s get right into it!

Model rest for your team:

We all need a break sometimes— and usually more often than we think!

By taking proper pauses in our work and prioritizing ourselves as full humans, we find the balance we need to be able to find joy outside of work, whether it’s digging into hobbies or taking time for travel. Don’t forget to nurture yourself!

When we honor the need for rest, prioritize our own well-being, and invest in non-work activities, we also help establish a culture that promotes healthy striving for our teams. Collectively, this builds a resilient, innovative, and motivated team.  

Recommended reading: Strategies to Avoid Burnout and Support Your Employees

Consider how to support long-term employee development:

January can often help us renew our intentions and sharpen our focus on what we wish to accomplish, but this time of year isn’t just about mapping out business goals.

In her book Impact Players, researcher and executive advisor Liz Wiseman shares that leaders have a responsibility to develop talent, whether that talent stays on their team or not. By thinking carefully about how we want to support people in their own personal and professional development, we can intentionally integrate learning moments into our weekly conversations. Over time, this will have a positive impact on their long-term growth.

Show your appreciation year-round:

When we enter a new year, it’s vital that we communicate our gratitude for our teams and make sure they feel seen and appreciated for their contributions.

For some, the last year may have been an exciting year of growth. For others, it may have felt overwhelming and chaotic. As leaders, we have the opportunity to acknowledge the effort in both scenarios and express our thanks for our employees’ dedication to the team and organization at large to boost morale and reaffirm positive behaviors. We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again - recognition must be a part of your strategy.

Note that in the workplace, employees are less likely to receive gratitude compared to other aspects of their daily lives. Review 3 ways you can infuse gratitude into your workplace.

Mastering the Leadership Journey Beyond Annual Resolutions

Effective leadership isn’t just any goal you can scratch off this year—it’s a career-long journey.

In 2023, insights from our community revealed that managers thrive in leadership by actively practicing their skills. Remember these resolutions to strengthen your leadership journey:

  1. Prioritize rest

  2. Provide steadfast support for long-term growth, and

  3. Express appreciation consistently throughout the year.


To take your leadership skills to the next level and actualize these resolutions, we invite you to explore our premier leadership program, Activate. Through Activate, leaders and managers from diverse backgrounds engage in purposeful conversations, adopting toolkits tailored for success. Now is the time to take the next step of your leadership journey— Activate your potential today.

Carrie + Team Leadology 


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